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Home » Products » Promotional Items » Calendar » NUVO » 5235
- Product ID:
- Product Name
Create a Calendar
- Category
Triumph(R) Calendars
- Sub-Taxonomy
- Product Description
Don't have your own custom images but still want a unique calendar? No Problem! We have a select group of stock images the customer can choose from to create their own unique calendar.
- Features
2016 Calendar|Choose 13 images - Cover + January thru December|Choose what month the calendar starts|Perfect "Event" Calendar|Top markets: financial, retail, travel
- Material
- Sizes
11"w x 8-1/2"h Closed|11"w x 17"h Open
- Product Colors:
200 Red|208 Maroon|2935 Dark Blue|349 Dark Green|354 Light Green|431 Gray|Process Blue
- Keywords:
5235 Create a Calendar Triumph appintmet every month calendar Scenic floral outdoors living health Creates as Calendars Triumphs appintmets everies months calendars Scenics florals outdoor livings healths