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Home » Products » Promotional Items » Golf » Titleist(R)/FootJoy(R) » 40685
- Product ID:
- Product Name
Coloring Book: Caring for Your Pets
- Category
Health, Wellness & Safety
- Sub-Taxonomy
Informational Guides
- Product Description
Dr. Dawg and Nurse Katz let kids know that having pets is a big responsibility. You have to take care of them every single day, give them food, water, exercise and lots of love.
- Features
16-pages with complete storyline|Creative characters teach valuable lessons|Product is CPSIA compliant
- Material
- Sizes
8"w x 10-1/2"h
- Product Colors:
- Keywords:
40685 Coloring Book Caring for Your Pets Informational Guides Info Guides healthy living kids children educational color school animals veterinarian animal doctor animal hospital responsibility Colorings Books Carings fors Yours Pet Informationals Guide Infos healthies livings kid childrens child educationals colors schools veterinarians doctors hospitals responsibilities