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Home » Products » Promotional Items » Calendar » NUVO » 5803
- Product ID:
- Product Name
Touchpoint Magnetic Cube
- Category
Triumph(R) Calendars
- Sub-Taxonomy
- Product Description
Magnetic cube calendars are simply fascinating!
- Features
2016 Calendar|Magnets hold these blocks together letting your customer arrange their own calendar|Fun interactive calendar which puts your ad in the hands of your customers|Choose from three designs|Top markets: manufacturing, financial, insurance
- Material
- Sizes
2"w x 2"h x 2"d each cube
- Product Colors:
Artistic|Geometric ZigZag|Motivational
- Keywords:
5803 Touchpoint Magnetic Cube calendar pocket desk more Triumph art fun shape 3-dimensional Touchpoints Magnetics Cubes calendars pockets desks mores Triumphs arts funs shapes