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Home » Products » Promotional Items » Golf » Titleist(R)/FootJoy(R) » 20631
- Product ID:
- Product Name
Coloring Book: The Poison Prevention Dinosaur
- Category
Health, Wellness & Safety
- Sub-Taxonomy
Informational Guides
- Product Description
Without being scary, Ickysaurus tells kids that many things in their homes can be poisonous and how to avoid them.
- Features
16-pages with complete storyline|Creative characters teach valuable lessons|Product is CPSIA compliant
- Material
- Sizes
8"w x 10-1/2"h
- Product Colors:
- Keywords:
20631 Coloring Book The Poison Prevention Dinosaur instruction instructional information informational guide education educational children child kids doctor's office medical health poison control household safety kids safety color Colorings Books Thes Poisons Preventions Dinosaurs instructions instructionals informationals guides educations educationals childrens kid doctor' offices medicals healths poisons controls households safeties colors