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Home » Products » Promotional Items » Golf » Titleist(R)/FootJoy(R) » 40636
- Product ID:
- Product Name
Coloring Book: My Visit to the Pharmacy
- Category
Health, Wellness & Safety
- Sub-Taxonomy
Informational Guides
- Product Description
A little girl goes to the pharmacy with her mother to get some medicine for her sick baby brother. She learns what a pharmacist does and that medicine is definitely NOT candy!
- Features
16-pages with complete storyline|Creative characters teach valuable lessons|Product is CPSIA compliant
- Material
- Sizes
8"w x 10-1/2"h
- Product Colors:
- Keywords:
40636 Coloring Book My Visit to the Pharmacy Informational Guides Info Guides wellness fitness healthcare healthy living kids children pharmacist medicine medical doctors office pharmaceutical drugs educational color Colorings Books Mies Visits tos thes Pharmacies Informationals Guide Infos wellnesses wellnes fitnesses fitnes healthcares healthies livings kid childrens child pharmacists medicines medicals doctor offices pharmaceuticals drug educationals colors