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Home » Products » Promotional Items » Golf » Titleist(R)/FootJoy(R) » 40646
- Product ID:
- Product Name
Coloring Book: Stay Safe with Electricity
- Category
Health, Wellness & Safety
- Sub-Taxonomy
Informational Guides
- Product Description
Lisa doesn't need electricity to glow and shine. But kids do - especially for TV, video games and computers. Lisa explains that, to be safe when using electricity, we must treat electricity with respect!
- Features
16-pages with complete storyline|Creative characters teach valuable lessons|Product is CPSIA compliant
- Material
- Sizes
8"w x 10-1/2"h
- Product Colors:
- Keywords:
40646 Coloring Book Stay Safe with Electricity Informational Guides Info Guides wellness healthy living kids children educational color child safetyTV video games computer household safety home safety lights outlet plug Colorings Books Stays Saves withs Electricities Informationals Guide Infos wellnesses wellnes healthies livings kid childrens educationals colors safetyTVs videos game computers households safeties homes light outlets plugs