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Home » Products » Promotional Items » Golf » Titleist(R)/FootJoy(R) » 40648
- Product ID:
- Product Name
Coloring Book: EMTs and Emergencies
- Category
Health, Wellness & Safety
- Sub-Taxonomy
Informational Guides
- Product Description
Emmie the Emergency Medical Services Elephant helps children learn about emergencies and what happens when they call 9-1-1. Paramedics, EMTs, ambulance drivers, policemen and firefighters are discussed, as well as how they help in an emergency!
- Features
16-pages with complete storyline|Creative characters teach valuable lessons|Product is CPSIA compliant
- Material
- Sizes
8"w x 10-1/2"h
- Product Colors:
- Keywords:
40648 Coloring Book EMTs and Emergencies Informational Guides Info Guides wellness healthcare healthy living kids children educational color safety hospital doctor ambulance emergency medical services Colorings Books EMT ands Emergency Informationals Guide Infos wellnesses wellnes healthcares healthies livings kid childrens child educationals colors safeties hospitals doctors ambulances emergencies medicals service