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Home » Products » Promotional Items » Health » Fitness & Personal Safety » 40602
- Product ID:
- Product Name
Safety Pedometer
- Category
Health, Wellness & Safety
- Sub-Taxonomy
Fitness & Personal Safety
- Product Description
Walk safely! This fully functional pedometer not only counts every step you take, but helps you feel secure while walking. With safety features such as a flashlight, siren and emergency flasher, this is a practical gift for wherever your walks take you.
- Features
Step-counter, flashlight, siren and emergency flasher|Top-facing display for easy viewing while walking|Measures steps, miles, kilometers and calories
- Material
- Sizes
2"w x 2"h x 7/8"d
- Product Colors:
- Keywords:
40602 Safety Pedometer Personal fitness center health insurance wellness clinic gym human resources count step calories weight loss siren flashlight flashing alarm protection college campus calories britepix brite pix brightpix britepics brightpics color Safeties Pedometers Personals fitnesses fitnes centers healths insurances wellnesses wellnes clinics gyms humen resource counts steps calory weights losses los sirens flashlights flashings alarms protections colleges campuses campu britepixes brites pixes brightpixes britepic brightpic colors